The KoldSari Story

The KoldSari™ is a special blanket that you can wear. Wear it anytime while sitting or standing, and anywhere, both at home and outdoors. It is made with high quality wool and cashmere to keep you warm and looking great!


The KoldSari™ was created by three friends who didn’t have the right product to stay warm while backpacking in Iceland. The owner of their hotel gave them a tip - to find some wool and wrap it around the waist. One friend improvised and wrapped a wool blanket around his waist, and he was surprised by the warmth and versatility it provided! They all wrapped blankets around their waists for the rest of the trip and brought the idea back home. And thus, the KoldSari™ was born! Five years later, after selling their wraps in local stores and on Etsy, they sell their wraps exclusively on now.